Alexander Pope

Alexander Pope
Thomas Hudson, National Portrait Gallery, London, Alexander Pope

Friday, March 25, 2011




Abraham, Rabbi, 67, 68
Account of the Life of the Reverend Jonathan Swift, 1754 (Hawkesworth), 11 ̶ 12, 20
acquisition, pleasure of, 73
actions, responsibility for, 119
Addison, Joseph, 72, 79, 86, 101
Advice to a Daughter (Saville), 85, 99
advisers, need for good, 114
Aeolists, 73
aging, problem of, 11
allegorical fable, 64
English women as, 62 ̶ 63
women as, 50
ambition vs. fanatics, 121
An Argument against Abolishing Christianity (Swift), 21
anarchy, 122
Anglicanism, 110
Anthea, 88, 100
social unease of, 89
antipathy, Johnson’s for Swift, 25
antiquities, 69
anti-slavery, 47
Appendix to the State Affairs of Lilliput, 73
arguments, alternative, 43
Astell, Mary, 62
Augustus, To, 74
avarice, 73

Bate, Walter Jackson, 4
Battle of the Books, The, 64, 65
belief, professions of, 120
benevolence, 94, 126
Berwick, Donald, 4, 28 ̶ 29
bias, Johnson’s, 16
Bickerstaff, Isaac, 61, 62
Bickerstaff-Partridge Papers, 65
biographers, Swift’s early, 4
Bolingbroke, ministry of, 63
Bombasine, Madam, 59
Book IV debate, 84
Boswell, James, 16, 94
Boswell’s Life, 132
Boswell’s Tour, 32
Life of Swift, 8
Boyles, John, 12
bread, tax on, 44-45
British mercantilism, 126
Brobdingnag, King of, 42
Bronson, Bertrand, 5, 73
Brooke, Henry, 45
brotherly love, 111, 119ideal of, 120

Camilla, 100
portrait of, 88
cant, 6
carnage, 55-56
Caroline, Queen, Johnson’s letter to, 29
Cave, Edward, 39
celibacy, 98
Cervantes, 52
chain of being, 57
character, 9 ̶10
charity schools, 124
charity, 119, 127
Pauline concept, 10
Charles I
death of, 111, 116, 121
Johnson on death of, 115
sermons on, 114
banter on, 67
project, 68
childish, 10
choice, possibility of, 96
Christian ideal of love, 94
Christian precept, 126
Christianity, happiness and, 127
church authority, after reformation, 121-122
classical ideals, 47
Clifford, James L., 8, 26
clothes, restraint in women’s, 103
collectors, objection to, 72
colonial abuses, denunciations of, 48
colonization, denunciation of, 41-42
communities, 97
Complete Vindication of the Licensers of the Stage, 38, 45
Conduct of the Allies, The (Swift), 22, 132
conscience, freedom of, 120
conservatism, 47, 127-128
constitutional government, 122
theory of, 122
Cornelia, humility of, 89 ̶ 90
Country Wife, The (Wycherly), 92
courtesy, 121
Courtlys, 60
cowardice, female, 89, 100
as virtue, 88 ̶ 89
coxcomb, double meanings, 104
Crane, R.S., 83
Cumberland, William, 47

Daily Gazetteer, 45
Davis, Herbert, 28, 31, 43, 62, 88
Debates in the Senate of Lilliput, 39
Declaration of Independence, 58
defamation, 118
defeat, 73
Degul, device of, 43
Delany, Patrick, 12, 17, 26
Dissertation upon Playthings,” 70
divine right, 43
doctrine of Mandeville, 125
doing good, 126
domestic complacency, 90
Drapier Letters, The, 117. 122
Drapier, M.G., 61, 120
Dryden, 52
Dublin charity schools, 91
Dunciad, 72
duties, 97
Johnson on, 9
in marriage, 99
Dyson, A.E., 83

Earisman, Delbert, 38
economic rights, 120
Elizabeth, Queen, 42
eloquence, from pulpit, 112
envy, 6, 119
Essay on Man (Pope), 52
Essay on Swift (Deane Swift), 12
Euphemia, 60
European vices, Lilliputians as embodiment, 91
evils, ordinary, 117
Examiner 14, 63
Examiner 31, 64

false witness, 111-112, 117 ̶ 118
listening to, 119
protecting against, 118
fanatics, 117
vs. ambition, 121
female cowardice, Swift on, 102
female excellence, 100
femaleness, 86
Fielding, Henry, 58
flattery, 9
Fountains, The, 4
Free Inquiry into Nature and Origin of Evil, 56
freedom of expression, 123
freedom of thought, 123
friendship, 87
in marriage, 105
precepts on, 98
Swift and Johnson on, 104
vs. marriage, 99
frugality, Swift’s, 16, 25
Fussell, Paul, 5

Gelidus, 92
general satire, 55
Genteel and Ingenious Conversation (Swift), 60
Gentlemen’s Magazine, 12, 39
God, law of, 100
Goldsmith, Oliver, 122
Gordon Riots, 124
Gower, Lord, letter to Swift, 23 ̶ 24
greatest happiness for greatest number principle, 47
Greenacre, Phyllis, 86
Greene, Donald, 47, 48, 127
Greenwich Hospital, 44
Grub Street, 51
journalist, 48
writers, 49 ̶ 50, 52
Gulliver, Captain Lemuel, 61
derangement of, 83
grandson of, 39, 40-41
Gulliver’s Travels, 39, 40, 56, 58, 65
adaptation of facts, 39
Book IV, 83
Johnson’s appreciation of, 32
Gustavus Vasa, 45

Hamlet complex, 32
happiness, 97, 126, 127, 128
individual, 134
Hardy, Evelyn, 86, 101
Harley, ministry of, 63
Hawkesworth, Dr. John, 11, 12, 17 ̶ 20
Hawkins, Sir John, Life of Samuel Johnson, 29
Heilman, Robert, 91
help, 121
Hermeticus, 69
heroines, Johnson’s, 60
Hill, George Birkbeck, 12
Hitler’s Germany, 66
Hobbes, Thomas, 6
hope, 73
Horace, Swift compared to, 30
Horatian satire, 54
Houyhnhnms, 83
human folly, anger against, 55
human happiness, 97
human nature, 5
Swift’s philosophy of, 18
human presumption, 52
human society, classical view, 129
humanitarians, 47
humanitarianism, 128
humor, 54
Johnson’s, 67
Hutcheson, Francis, 47
Huxley, Aldous, 28
Hypertatus’ theorizing, 132

Idler essays, 56, 65 ̶ 66
17, 65 ̶ 66
22, 39, 56, 74
64, 70, 64
87, 62 ̶ 63
100, 81, 82
illumination, 80
imagination, dangerous prevalence of, 68
inertness, 73
instinct, 80
Ireland, 43
state of, 57
Irish people
oppression of, 91
Swift as champion of, 124

James II, dethronement, 115
Jealousy, 95
Jefferson, Thomas, 85
Jenyns, Soame, 56 ̶ 57, 94
Jesus, 94
John, 94
Johnson, Mrs., On the Death of, 101
Johnson, Samuel
biography by, subtleties of, 9
as iconoclast, 24 ̶ 25
as social satirist, 74
as Swiftian satirist, 74 ̶ 75
on femaleness, 86 ̶ 87
subjects of satire, 38
use of Swift in Dictionary, 29
Johnsonian Miscellanies I, 32
Journal to Stella, 100
justice, 43
Juvenal, 56

Knowles, Mrs., 94
Kolb, Gwin, 38-39

Lady Bustle, 89
Lady Lofty, 59
Landa, Luis, classification of sermons, 111
language, debasement of, 61
Laputan Academy, 66
Latin satirists, 52
Latinate words, 113
laws of God, 123
laws of state vs. laws of God, 123
Leavis, F.R., 28, 84
legislative body, 127
legislative power, 122
Letter to a Young Clergyman (Swift), 112
Letter to a Young Lady, 84, 85, 86, 88, 102
Life of Samuel Johnson (Hawkins), 29
Life of Savage, 27
Life of Swift (Boswell), 8
Life of Swift (Craik), 23 ̶ 24
Life of Swift (Hill), 12
Life of Swift (Johnson), 4, 15, 17, 64, 85, 96
reactions to, 23 ̶ 24
Lilliput, Empire of, 39
Lilliputians, as embodiment of European vices, 91
literary criticism, Johnson’s use of fable for, 64
living nature, 80
Locke, John, 122
London Magazine, 39
Christian ideal of, 94
romantic, 90
lower classes, 6

Madden, Dr., 26
Madonella, 62
maleness, 86
malice, 54
man by instinct, 5
Mandeville, 5
Doctrine of, 125
mankind, general condition, 117
marital unhappiness, 97
Marmor Norfolciense, 38, 43 ̶ 45, 68, 73
marriage vs. friendship, 99
debate on, 95
family and, 90 ̶ 91
foundation for, 90 ̶ 99
importance of, 97
justification of, 96
mystique for, 91
nature and, 98
obligations of, 97
purpose of, 98
utopian, 93
Martin Scriblerus, 74
Mayhew, George, 84
mechanical thinking, 82
Memoirs (Pilkington), 12
Memoirs of Matinus Scriblerus, 65, 69
mercantilism, British, 126
Merlin’s Prediction, 43
misanthropy, Swift’s, 55
Misellus, 51, 52, 60, 68, 133
misogyny, 85
modern woman, 90
Modest Proposal, 39, 48, 56, 57, 66
Moliere, 52
monarchy, 127
Monck-Berkeley, on Swift and Horace, 30
Monk, Samuel Holt, 83
moral culpability, 71
moral neutrality, 90
morality, 82
Mrs. Mynx, 59

natural moral endowments, 134
nature, 6, 79, 80
as energy, 135
and reason, 6, 82, 105-106
reconciliation of, 5, 94
Nazi doctors, 66
Nekayah, 95
neo-classical standards, 30
Nichols, John, 27
Nuremburg Trials, 123

obedience, 99
Observations on the State of Affairs in 1756, 41, 42
old and sick, problem of, 91
oppression, 117
ordinary evils, 117
Orrery, Earl of,
malignity of, 26 ̶ 27
on Swift, 30
Orwell, George, 28

Papal authority, 43
Parliamentary Debates, 38, 39
party politics, 6, 120
tempering, 87
virtue, truth and, 99
Passionate Intelligence (Sachs), 5, 38
passive obedience, 122
pedantry, criticism of, 64
penal laws, 47, 128
Percy, Bishop, 25 ̶ 26
perjury, 118
personality, 9 ̶10
Swift’s, 10
philosophical terminology, burlesque of, 64
Philosophical Words, 64
piety, Swift’s, 111
Pilkington, Letitia, Mrs.,12, 26
Piozzi, Madame, 32, 81
pity, 121
absence of, 10
lack of in Swift, 15 ̶ 16
Plato, 47
Allegory of, 83
Platonic order of ladies, 62
Polite Conversation and Directions for Servants (Swift), 15
political anxiety, Swift’s, 114
political history, 18th century, Johnson on, 33
political liberties, 127
political polemic, 63
political satire, Johnson’s early, 73
political sermons, religious basis for, 110
political views, religious views and, Swift’s, 20-23
politics, 120
Politics of Samuel Johnson, 48
poor, idle and industrious, 125
Pope, Alexander, 52, 72, 80
Swift’s visit to, 10
poverty, 124
power, 9
precocity, 69 ̶ 70
Prediction of Merlin, The, 45
pride, 119
Proceedings of the Political Club, 39
Project for the Advancement of Authors (Swift), 19, 22, 74, 133
Project for the Employment of Authors, 38, 48
Puritan Revolution, 6
Puritans, 114

Quinlan, Maurice, tone of sermons, 111-112
Quintana, Ricardo, 28
Quisquilius, 69
final achievements, 70 ̶ 71
toys of, 70

Rage and Raillery, Mayhew, 84
Rambler, The, 61, 74, 88, 100
dramas in, 61
number 12, 58, 133
number 16, 51
number 17, 51
number 24, 92
number 34, 89
number 82, 89
number 131, 72
number 191, 64
number 199, 67
Rasselas, 68, 80, 95, 96
Rasselas to Gulliver’s Travels (Kolb), 38-39
reason, 6, 79, 80
as control, 135
faith in, 81
moral feeling, values and, 5 ̶6
nature and, 105 ̶ 106, 129
reasoning, religion and, 113
relationships, between men and women, 92
reasoned into, 134
reasoning and, 113
religious feeling, 120
religious orthodoxy, 133
Remarks on the Life and Writings of Swift (Boyle), 12
Renaissance love poems, 87
Republic, The, 83
resentment, 54
Restoration play, bawdiness of, 92
Review of Soame Jenyns, The, 39, 66
revolution, 117
Rhetorical World of Augustan Humanism, The (Fussell), 5
Richardson, Samuel, 58
ridicule, 118
right reason, 79 ̶ 80
Rochester, Earl of, 56, 79
role playing, criticism of, 65
Royal Academy, 68
Royal Historiographer of Lilliput, 40-41
Royal Society, 133

Sachs, Arieh, 5, 38
Sams, Henry W., 84
Satire Against Mankind (Rochester), 56, 79
directions of, 50
ends of, 54
Johnson’s, 61
objects of, 48, 53
prime target, 52
style and devices, 48
subject for, 72
Swift on, 67
savage, 122
Savile, George, 85
on passion, 87
on submission, 99
on women, 86
scatology, Swift use of, 14 ̶ 15
science, distrust of, 68
scientific language, burlesque of, 64
scientific mind, 133
scorn, for unmerited rewards, 46
Scriblerian satire, 74
Scriblerus Club, 64
Scriblerus, Martin, 61, 69
sedition, 119
self-denial, Swift’s faith in, 18
self-love, 54
Sentiments of a Church of England Man (Swift), , 122
Sermon VII, 117
sermon writing, 18th century ideal, 112
audience of, 113
construction of, 113
debate in, 114
of Swift and Johnson, 48, 129
tone of, 110 -111
topics of, 111
sexual behavior, themes of, 93
Shaftesbury, 5
shame, as medium for change, 9
sharp language, 119
Sheridan, Thomas, 4, 16, 24, 26, 27
1688 Revolution, 6
slave, 122
slavery, 122, 128
defined, 122
sloth, 73
Soame Jenyns, The Review of, 39, 66
social defamation, 118
social harmony, 134
social order, 129
social relations, debasement of, 61
Society of Commentators, 44
society, classical vision of, 47
solitude, 97
Somerset, Duchess of, 44
sorrow, blankness of, 101
Spectator, 79
stable society, 123
Stage Licensers Act (1737), 45, 124
Standish, Mrs., 59
State Affairs of Lilliput, 39, 40, 42
Steele, Richard, Sir, 72
Stella, 18 ̶ 20, 84
description of, 101-102
Johnson on Hawkesworth’s analysis of, 19
learning described, 103
Swift’s portrait of, 100
Swift’s relations with, 96
lawful, 115
unlawful, 115, 116
Study, Charles, 62
submission, in marriage, 99
subordination, 128
Sun, Philip, 4, 12, 29
supreme magistrate, 122
Swift, Jonathan, 12, 57, 122
Swift, Jonathan, 20th century psychoanalytic critics, 28
Swift, Jonathan
characteristics, 15
decline, 11, 13
denunciation by Thackeray, 28
effect of death of Stella, 104
friendships with women, 16 ̶ 17
Genteel and Ingenious Conversation, 60
image of, 13
Johnson’s criticism characterized, 28 ̶ 30
Johnson’s description, 14
Johnson’s interpretation, 8
Johnson’s portrayal, 132
Letter to a Young Clergyman, 112
major achievement, 20
motives for power, 20
overreacher, 20
political views, 20-21
Project for the Advancement of Religion, 19
relations with Stella, 96
central theme, 8̶ 9
style, Johnson’s judgments on, 24
Swiftian devices, 47
Swiftian tradition, Johnson’s part in, 3

Tale of a Tub, A, 39, 45, 46, 51, 65
influence of, 132-133
Johnson’s comments, 31
5, 67
32, 62
158, 72
Taxation No Tyranny, 58
Thackeray, William, 93
Tories, Swift and Johnson as moderate, 21
tragic cycle, rise and fall of, 9
trivia, 69
true moderation, 120
truth, 43
passion and, 99
tyranny, 117

Universal Visiter, 48
utopia, attainable, 126
utopian ideas, as satire, 93

hierarchy of, 71
of right and wrong, 90
Vanessa, 18 ̶ 20, 84
Vanity of Human Wishes (Johnson), 22 ̶ 23
Varina, letter to, 85
Victoria, 60
Vindication of the Licensers of the Stage, 73
virtue, 82, 126
basis of, 127
passion and, 99
virtuoso collector, 68 ̶ 75, 133
Voitle, Robert, 47

Wagstaff, Simon, 61
Walpole, Horace, 44
Ministry, 73
Warner, Tim, 81
Watkins, W.B.C., 24
wealth, pursuit of, 68 ̶ 75
Whiggism, 21
Whiteway, Mrs., 31
Whitley, Alvin, 38
wickedness, 119
Wimsatt, W.K., 4, 5, 64
Windsor Prophecy, 43, 45
wit vs. personality, Swift’s, 25
attitudes toward, 84 ̶ 90
good sort compared, 105 ̶ 106
ideal, 105
Wood’s patent, 120

Yahoos, 83
stone collecting, 72 ̶ 73

zealots, 114
Zosima, abuse of, 58 ̶ 60

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